Planning, building, and designing your legacy-focused personal brand


Building an effective (and attractive 😎) personal brand doesn't have to be stressful or cumbersome. It just has to be thoughtful and it gets to be simple. The following is how I approach supporting CEOs, founders, and corporate leaders like you build their most sustainable personal brands.

I come alongside you first as a guide, then a partner, then as your designer. This allows us to tackle developing your brand with ease, flow, while never losing momentum.

There are 3 ways I can support you in building and launching your epic brand

You can plan, create, and launch your legacy-focused personal brand in 6 months to 1 year. Here's how I can support you every step of the way.

Legacy Brand Mapping Session

a brand guide

Let’s envision your journey together—mapping out where you stand today and where you aspire to be.

The Legacy Brand Mapping Session isn't just another meeting. It's a 3-part experience where I guide you in strategically defining your life’s work, ensuring that your personal brand embodies the deep, meaningful legacy you wish to leave.


Personal Brand Formula™ 3-Month Intensive

your brand partner

A unique blend of brand strategy and creative direction, The Personal Brand Formula™ Intensive is a 1 on 1 3-month program designed to:

  • discover your essence
  • reconnect with and refine your brand voice
  • determine your most aligned approach to marketing and content
  • clarify your authentic brand identity...and much more


Custom Brand Identity & Website Design

your brand designer

If we've worked together before through the Legacy Brand Mapping Session and/or The Personal Brand Formula™ Intensive, this would be the "graduation" phase - where we actually design the personal brand and website we've spent so much time planning and preparing. 

If we haven't worked together before, I have very (1 per quarter) limited availability for this service.


The best way to get started working together is The Legacy Brand Mapping Session

Wondering where to start?

Because more important than launching a new personal brand, is knowing what you want that brand to do for your life and your work. In this session experience, we get clarity on this and more.

Sign Up for The Multi-Hyphenate Weekly Emails

1 seed - an idea or strategy I’ve been fleshing out to help plant a seed of knowledge for you to work better, smarter, easier as you grow your own brand
1 story - I'll peel back the curtain a little bit, in an effort to keep our inbox relationship super cozy and waaayyy better than social media 😎
1 scripture - that I’ve been ruminating on for the week in hopes that you’ll find encouragement while meditating on it as well.

I’m the personal brand strategist that can get you free.