Create your one-of-a-kind Legacy Map

LET'S START BUILDING YOUR PERSONAL BRAND But not with design first, let's instead:

A custom guide that clearly defines your overall goals for your brand, outlines your 5 unique legacy milestones, and maps out how you will build your personal brand in the next 3, 6, or 12 months.

An epic duo of guided self-reflection and a 1 on 1 strategy session to help you experience the breakthrough you’ve been needing to [finally] begin building your personal brand with confidence. 

You will learn where the disconnect is happening between yourself and the work you’re currently doing doing, be able to powerfully describe what your “life’s work” truly is, and gain a custom plan for what YOUR unique path towards legacy will be.

The Legacy Mapping Session is an experience, not your average consultation.

Focusing on your niche helped you build a business. But focusing on your legacy...

is what will build your brand.

And I know we just "met" and all...but if I'm right about you, I know that leaving an intentional and fruitful legacy is important to you.
More than likely, this is the main reason why...


Legacy matters to you because purpose matters to you.

The work you’ve done in your niche and for clients in your business is just a PART of what you’ll be remembered for. 

Your legacy brand will encompass SO much more about you, your gifts, and your talents. So, the rumor is true - your business is not your brand, but it IS an element of it. 

Here’s the thing. Your legacy will unfold more and more over time. 

But because it TAKES time to evolve into the person God created you to be, you can't afford to wait until you’re much older, with less energy and effort, to do it justice.  This is why you must work on it in intentional "chunks."

Your legacy brand is just a personal brand, but one that positions you for far more than just "likes" on the Internet.

Your legacy-focused personal brand has the core job of creating space for you to freely and purposefully pivot and evolve, until you become the exact person you were always meant to be.

What is a legacy brand and how does it help me leave an impact through my work?

The best way to start developing this kind of personal brand is to get clear on where you're actually going. You need a custom "map" that shows the key milestones or landmarks that will confirm you're on the right path towards what you want to be remembered for.

This is what we build together in The Legacy Mapping Session.

The Legacy Map

There are 5 major milestones that serve as clear indicators of someone who left an impactful and intentional legacy on the earth. This is a map of those milestones and a preview of what we'll personalize and brainstorm together during our live session. 

Clarity of Purpose and Vision

You started out in business with a deep understanding of why you do what you do. However, over time, your work has naturally become more aligned with a much larger purpose. Now you’re consistently trying to understand the NEW version of your vision.

We’ll first spend some time during the live session reassessing what your clarified vision might be, at this current stage of life. The fresh clarity you gain here will set the tone for your legacy, giving your work long-lasting direction and impact.

Consistent Contribution and Impact

The most obvious signs that someone left a true impact is through innovation in their work, effective leadership or service, or their body of work speaking for itself. Impact is about leaving a mark that continues to influence others even in your absence. Over time, you’ve demonstrate sustained excellence, consistently contributing something of value to your industry and/or community.

We’ll brainstorm ways you can have an ONGOING impact through your work - whether you pivot industries, services, or target audiences, your overall impact can still be felt through an authentic personal brand. 

Empowering and Mentoring Others

True legacy builders invest in others, sharing their knowledge and expertise to empower the next generation of leaders. We’ll think through what this could look like for you, whether that’s through mentoring, teaching, speaking, writing, or leading by example.

We’ll explore some ways you can create a ripple effect, ensuring your influence extends far beyond your own individual achievements.

Recognition and Influence

The 4th marker along our Legacy Map is influence. What contributions of yours will be acknowledged by your peers, community, or industry? You’ve likely earned a respected reputation, and your work has changed conversations or set new standards - in some way.

We will brainstorm what recognition feels right for your brand, remembering that it isn’t about fame, but about securing a lasting influence on the way people think, work, or live.

Lasting Systems or Structures

Lastly, true legacy carriers build lasting systems or foundations that can built upon by others when they’re no longer able to build. Whether through a business, movement, written work, or another form of impact, you want to leave behind systems or frameworks that will continue to operate and create value even after you’ve step away.

Your legacy should be self-sustaining and allow your vision and contributions to live on, serving future generations.

My journey into the world of wellness started back in 2019 after trying just about every diet in the world. As a certified nutritionist, I've taken a more wholistic approach to health and dedicated myself to translating nutrition so that is can be implemented by anyone. 

This is why I call it an "experience," because it's more than just a regular 'degular consultation. No, we're going deep and priming you to know exactly what you need your personal brand to do for you - THEN you can begin building it through brand identity and design, confident in your investments.

Immediately after you book your session, you'll gain access to a few resources that will strategically start unlocking a LOT for you...

You'll start understanding things about yourself that you've likely pushed off or never made the time to sit with, before we even meet. This way you get to come to the session, already empowered with a level of clarity about who you are, what you want from your life and work NOW, and how you want to leave a unique imprint on the world.


It’s time to get serious about your legacy and have more urgency to create the impact you were born to make.

Now is the time to get into position and shape how you want to be remembered. 

Here's what your Legacy Mapping Session Experience experience will look like:


Booking Your

A 40-page guided journal and 60-minute video training teaching 6 creative ways you can realistically leave a legacy

Your Legacy Clarity Workbook +
Bonus Video Training & Notion Template

You can start doing the internal discovery work of understanding who and where you are NOW, before we even meet! The workbook + bonus video training pair together perfectly to get your creative juice flowing on what's possible for you so that when we come together live, we can make a plan of action.


Your 60-minute 1 on 1 Legacy Mapping Strategy Session

This is the live consultation component of the experience. You'll get to work 1 on 1 with me to review the work you've done in your Legacy Clarity Workbook and discuss all the amazing things you discovered!

I’ll also do a mini audit of your business brand and online profile, seeing where there’s room for your personal brand to elevate and skyrocket your business.

We’ll round out the meeting by customizing your Legacy Map to make “leaving a legacy” through your personal brand feel less like a fantasy and more like a REALITY!


Your Legacy Brand Map™, Session Recording, & Custom Roadmaps

After our session, I'll send you an audio and video recording of our session.

Then 1 week later I'll share your Legacy Map Guide, which will present everything we discovered during our time together, including your personalized Legacy Map. This is your custom 5 milestone journey towards the legacy you wish you leave. You'll be able to see how your personal brand will support you in achieving your intended legacy.
Inside the guide, you'll also have a custom 3, 6, and 12-month roadmap that details how you can begin building out your personal brand in chunks of time, not all at once!

Lastly, I'll include a 30-day quick-start project that will be a small action from your roadmap that you can get started on right away to build your personal brand. I'll provide 30 days of post-session email coaching support - to hold you accountable to this quick-start project so that you can start strong and confident!


Whether you're a full-time CEO or a corporate professional, creating a personal brand for yourself can be the wisest investment you'll ever make for your business.

And I'm not just saying this from my own experience of having a design company, Lex Creative Studios, and a legacy-focused personal brand.

I've helped OTHER multi-faceted, purpose-driven, super ambitious founders build sustainable personal brands in addition to the traditional companies too.

Like my client, Dr. Sarah Vidal- McMurtry.

Dr. Sarah had a record breaking quarter - in her service business, AFTER we started developing her

legacy brand.

My client Dr. Sarah is a real boss and a true thought leader. She's been a licensed psychologist for over a decade and has not 1, but 2 clinical offices in Atlanta, GA.

She loves her work, but she doesn't want to take on patients for the rest of her life! Her TRUE life's work involves speaking, mentorship, philanthropy, and teaching.  

Dr. Sarah is an ambitious and driven go-getter! But she had a rough start towards success. She was a teen mom who had to overcome several battles along the way. She eventually achieved all she set out to do and credits her faith in God and work ethic for having made it through. 

By the time we reconnected to work together, she shared that had begun wrestling with how much she’d evolved over the years. She’d been in business 7 years at that point and was on the verge of another evolution - one where she desired deeply to be less visible in her offices and more entrenched in the type of work she wanted to be remembered for. 

Dr. Sarah has a big heart for other teen moms and young women who are new to entrepreneurship because she knows exactly how hard things can be for them. 

She wanted to create a brand that would help her leave a legacy of service and philanthropy, while also allowing her the space to speak more freely about her faith in God and non-clinical thoughts about mental health and Black women. 

When we started working together, she wanted to get her psychology practice to a place where she didn't need to be there as much and could begin focusing on her other gifts and passions.

We built Dr. Sarah's legacy brand and started posting intentional content to Facebook & Instagram a few weeks before the website would launch. During this time, her newfound clarity empowered her to post with confidence and authenticity.

She soon doubled her visibility and community engagement - leading her to book 3 paid speaking engagements before we even officially launched!

Shortly AFTER we launched Dr. Sarah's legacy brand, her psychology practice hit record numbers AND she was able to add 2 new clinicians to her team. 

This freedom allowed Dr. Sarah to reduce her client workload and start creating her first course within her legacy brand!

Before working with Alexis, I had a business, but did not have a BRAND.

-Dr. Sarah Mac; Licensed Therapist, Speaker,  & Mental Wellness Consultant

The branding process with her has been very meaningful for my business. It allowed me to refocus on my vision so that both my business and personal brand could be holistically authentic. 

Since working with Alexis, we had our highest quarter in services booked... in the company's HISTORY, and my personal brand now accurately represents my work AND who I am as a person.”

You’ve got all these experiences, achievements, and secret desires swirling around in your head - with no one to help you untangle the lines. If you could do it alone, you would have done it by now. Because you are, as they say, “inside the container,” you can’t really read the label as clearly as someone who’s outside of it. 

It takes someone coming in with a fresh set of eyes, trustworthy experience, and an ability to see the possibilities you can’t - to help you get unstuck and move forward with confidence.

In other words, you need a strategic guide.
That’s where I come in.

I'm Alexis Campbell

👋🏽 hey there, that's me!

I'm Here to Help You Get Clarity in Your Brand

I help women transition from business owners to legacy-focused personal brands. I believe a personal brand is the catalyst for getting to do the work you were born to do. Your life’s work is SO much bigger than just the services you provide in your business.

It’s a beautiful blend of your lived experiences, education, and expertise, all wrapped up to form your fresh perspective towards...everything you do! Your TRUE life's work positions you for your legacy, whether that's as a thought leader in your industry or servant leader in your community.

I’m Alexis by the way, a “multi-hyphenate,” just like you! While others may say I’ve “reinvented” myself a time or 2, (okay, 5 🙄), I like to call it, “evolutions.” My professional careers have consisted of agency-repped makeup artist, creative director, brand photographer, website designer, and now, personal branding coach. Also, I can probably moonlight as a fashion magazine editor, if I REALLY felt like letting my hair down😉.

For over a decade I’ve been in the business of providing women with transformations, whether the medium was makeup, branding, or design. I’ve helped them show up with confidence and clarity, so they can increase their income and elevate their online presence. Now, I’m helping them build industry leader personal brands that will usher them into a future of freedom. 

So you can have freedom in your life.

I'm Here to Help You Get Clarity in Your Brand


For over a decade I’ve been in the business of providing women with transformations, whether the medium was makeup, branding, or design. I’ve helped them show up with confidence and clarity, so they can increase their income and elevate their online presence. Now, I’m helping them build industry leader personal brands that will usher them into a future of freedom.

You’ve got all these experiences, achievements, and secret desires swirling around in your head - with no one to help you untangle the lines. If you could do it alone, you would have done it by now. Because you are, as they say, “inside the container,” you can’t really read the label as clearly as someone who’s outside of it. 

It takes someone coming in with a fresh set of eyes, trustworthy experience, and an ability to see the possibilities you can’t - to help you get unstuck and move forward with confidence.

In other words, you need a strategic guide.

That’s where I come in. 
Let's start mapping out your journey towards legacy today!

I help women transition from service providers to personal brands.
I believe a personal brand is the catalyst for getting to do the work you were born to do. Your life’s work is SO much bigger than just the services you provide. It’s a beautiful blend of your lived experiences, education, and expertise, all wrapped up to form your fresh perspective towards...everything you do! Your TRUE life's work positions you for your legacy, whether that's as a thought leader in your industry or servant leader in your community.

I’m Alexis by the way, a “multi-hyphenate,” just like you! While others may say I’ve “reinvented” myself a time or 2, (okay, 5 🙄), I like to call it, “evolutions.” My professional careers have consisted of agency-repped makeup artist, creative director, brand photographer, website designer, and now, personal branding coach. Also, I can probably moonlight as a fashion magazine editor, if I REALLY felt like letting my hair down😉.

I'm Alexis Campbell

👋🏽 hey there, that's me!

I'm Here to Help You Get Clarity in Your Brand

Gaining clarity on your legacy goals and mapping out your unique journey towards achieving them. 


"Having someone like Alexis guide you through a brand development process, guarantees a good product in the end.


Alexis led me through the process of creating my brand, which was just getting to the CORE of who I was, what I wanted to achieve, and what REALLY was important to me.

I am proud of the brand that we created together. It looks and feels like me, and much better than anything I could have produced by myself.

You're here to leave a divine legacy that reflects the fullness of who God says you are.

ready to take hold of the clarity you've been waiting for?

The full investment for 60-minute Legacy Mapping Session, The Legacy Clarity Workbook, exclusive video training (AND the Notion worksheet template), your custom Legacy Map Guide presentation, your 3-12 month implementation roadmap, and 30-days post-session email coaching support is $450, but:

You have SO much more to offer the world than just a service, product, or tenure at a corporation.

It's time to start strategically shaping how the world will remember you and how wide of an impact your essence, skills, talents, and gifts can truly have.

And if you’re a multi-faceted or multi-talented person, it’s likely BEEN time. Let’s get you in position for legacy and all that God has planned for you.

I would love to guide you along your journey with my Legacy Mapping Session.